Saturday, April 07, 2007

Working as a waiter

My first day as a waiter had finished.

I've started working at Japanese restaurant from today. I was nervous at first because I had 1year blank as a waiter. Besides, I thought I didn't have enough experienc as a waiter.

The job started from 12:00 but I arrived more than 1hour before that time. However, I could check what I had to check. There were 10~12 co-worker today and they had dirrefent nationality like Philippine, China, Spain, Ireland and of course Japan.
It's interesting for me.

They are all nice and the manager tought me kindly so I could relax and enjoy working. And It was not so busy as I thought. It's simple job. But they said today is quite empty.


We have a staff party on Monday evening. I'll enjoy it.


