Yesterday, on my way home. I bought a 7up at the vending machine on campus.
I gave the machine 2 euro coins and they gave me 1.1 euro for the change.
but, they gave me two 20 cent coins and ten 5 cent coins.
It's not usual and was so disgusting.
Today, I started packing up my luggage.
I didn't have lots of stuffs so it didn't take long time. It's almost done.
I'm gonna clean up my room and the living room tomorrow, then I'll move to next place the day after tomorrow.
After packing my luggage, I went shopping for dinner and I came across some Japanese friends who are going back to Japan tomorrow.
They offered me a lots of foods (お茶漬け、焼肉のたれ、パスタソースその他調味料もろもろ) and stuffs which are leftovers.
It was very good for me and I won't need to buy any goods for a while.
Some friends are already gone back to the countrues and many of them will go back to each country very soon. I really miss them.
There are only a few days left...