Friday, October 26, 2007

parties in my place

この前の土曜日バイトから帰ったらアメリカ人のフラットメイトが友達を集めてわいわいやっていたので、俺も参加することに。そのときにやっていたdrinking game. Beer pongって言ってアメリカでは結構popularなゲームらすい。珍しかったのでビデオに録画。



Sunday, October 21, 2007

a funny story

When I was working yesterday, one Egyptian guy came and left his CV. He was looking for a job as a chef.

In his CV, he wrote about his hobbies. it is written like: My hobbies are swimming, reading books and 'cocking'.

He will be a great chef definitely.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hard worker




あと、ここ最近毎週末ずっと働いていてクラブのweekend tripを逃しがちなのでそろそろ本気でバイトをやめようかと考え中。十分お世話になったしもうそろそろいいかなと、、、


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mobile in the toilet...

sorry that I didn't update my blog for ages.

I'm kinda busy with studying. but it's better than having nothing to do.
Most of the classes I take this semester are relatively difficult for me so I always need to study by myself before and after the lecture. I don't really like reading a lot of books so I'm going to be crazy....

But I enjoy myself as well. On Tuesday, I went to the sports gym on campus for the first time (the university give me a free membership of the gym :)
it was a huge sport gym and I tried lots of things. My muscles still pains a lot.

After that I went to the climbing wall to do rock climbing. Then I went to the pub in the campus with my friends of climbing club.

That's was so funny and I was kinda tired. it made me drunk so easily ...

After I went home, I went to the loo. I was wearing sport jersey and my mobile was in there. that was so loose jersey so my mobile slipped out of my jersey and dropped into the toilet.

the mobile worked a little while after that but it died soon.

I was so embarrased but there was nothing I could do for it.
I learned from that: don't put the mobile in the loose pocket.

now, I have a new one :)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Usual life





